Immigration and Naturalization Service as well as Patrol Agents of the U.S. Border Patrol working plain clothes assignments until both agencies adopted .40 caliber semi-automatic pistols. 357 Magnum, three-inch barreled model was standard issue to Special Agents of the former U.S. The standard barrel lengths available for these models were the same as those for the Service-Six. 38 S&W, and 9x19mm Parabellum, the Speed-Six was intended for use by plainclothes detectives and others desiring a more concealable handgun. Incorporating fixed sights and a round-butt frame, and available in. The 9mm was also marketed under the designation M109. Barrel length options for the Service-Six included 2.75 and 4 inches. These alterations allowed the rimless 9mm cartridge to be used in a revolver design.

It was to replace aging Smith & Wesson Model 10 for issuing to air crews and military police.The 9mm variant featured cylinder chambers bored to headspace the cartridge on the case mouth instead of the rim, using a patented spring moon clip to permit extraction of the fired case. 38 Special variant adding a lanyard ring to the butt and designating it the M108. 38 Special and 9x19mm Parabellum for some police orders. The U.S.

357 Magnum, though Ruger also built versions in. The Service-Six was normally chambered in. This was largely a marketing decision and an attempt to capitalize on the lucrative law enforcement service revolver market. After a few months of production, Ruger renamed the fixed-sight version of the Security-Six the Service-Six or alternatively, the "Police Service-Six".